Wow, what an amazing start to the beginning of our first grade year here's a look into what is happening in our room.
In math we have finished unit one, and we continue to review counting by 2s, 5s, and 10's. We have begun to count back from the number 20.
We have also been working with complements of ten. Making ten in different ways is very important math skill that will be assessed multiple times during this unit. Students will soon be introduced to unit labels, telling time, and counting pennies and nickels. It is essential that students know how to count by 5s and 1s so that counting money does not become difficult. Please begin collecting change so your child can have numerous opportunities to count money.
Please review skip counting for a few minutes each day. If your child can already count up by 5s and 10s, have your mathmatician practice counting back by 5s and 10s.
Writers Workshop
Writers continue to review a variety of spelling strategies such as using the word wall to spell high frequency words, stretching words in order to hear and record sounds and using rhyming patterns to write new words. Students also are begining to participate in writing conferences and are sharing their writing with the whole group.
Reading Workshop
Readers continue to deepen their knowledge and understanding of different reading strategies. Students are learning that readers have reading tool kits. Tools they use to help them figure out unknown words and to build comprehension. During independent reading, I have begun listening to individual children read in order to assess each child’s strengths and ways to move each child forward as a reader. We are almost at 20 minutes of continuous reading. We have been working hard to build our stamina. Readers will soon begin choice time during our literacy block. Readers will soon have the choice to read big books, work on writing, participate in word work games, read with a partner and listen to stories on the computer. I will use this time to small guided reading groups based on need.
In addition to independent reading, each day we come together as a class and read a selected big book, poem or song together, called shared reading. The last two weeks we have read I Went Walking, The Bear Who Wouldn't Share and Silly Sally. Shared reading promotes fluency and helping students learn high frequency words.
Please be sure to return your readers weekly reading log each Friday.
Social Studies and Science
We have been learning what scientist do. We have learned that as scientist we use our senses to make observations and classify objects by different characteristics. Scientist are curious and wonder about the world around them. In social studies, we have been learning about friendship, community, and teamwork.
We had a great time learning about how to stay safe in our homes and in our communities.
Be sure to pack a healthy snack each day for your learner. We have begun eating our snack while we read, so send in snacks that aren't too messy, we say no drips or dips.
Also the mornings have begun to get cooler while the afternoons are warming up, please take a moment to put your child's name in all jackets or sweater. Our classroom can get chilly, so some students have been keeping a light weight jacket or sweather in their book bag, be sure these are labled as well.
We have had several accidents at lunch and on the playground where students have needed a change of clothes, be sure to have weather appropriate extra clothes in your child book bag. This will keep you from having to come to school with a change of clothes.
Please make sure your learner is using pencil to complete his or her homework and that their name is on the homework.
Thanks again for your support! We are off to a fantastic year :D