Thursday, March 15, 2012

Message from the Principal

Please read the following message from Mrs. Bright.

With the days really warming up, children begin to pull out cooler clothing. Parents, please inspect their choices before sending them out the door.  Kids have a way of growing a lot over the fall and the shorts or skirt that was perfect at the start of school is much shorter now. A good rule of thumb is that skirts and shorts should be about fingertip length. Spaghetti strap and halter style shirts are also not allowed at school unless a light sweater or other top is layered over it.  Basketball-type jerseys must have regular arm holes and not be open all the way down the sides. We want the students to be comfortable during the day, but we also need to adhere to the district dress code. 

Another reminder - Students may bring in water bottles to sip on during the day, however, they must be used for water only. Other liquids such as cool-aid, coffee and soda should not be brought to school. Please ensure that the containers will close tightly and won't leak. Cups with straws will not be allowed in the theater or in classrooms. 

Thank you for your help with this.

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