Thursday, November 1, 2012


Wow, what a fun day we had yesterday being scientists and exploring pumpkins to find the answers to some of the things we have been wondering. We measured our pumpkins to see how tall they were, how much they weighed, how many ribs it had, and the circumference. We sorted and classified our pumpkins by size, color, and stem size. We made predictions about which pumpkins would sink and which ones would float. We learned that because pumpkins are hollow, they float no matter what size. We cut open a pumpkin to see the hollow inside. The scientists loved getting to scoop out the seeds. Later we made estimates on how many seeds we thought would be in the pumpkin. And we then counted by tens to learn there were 575 seeds in our class pumpkin. We also learned about the pumpkin life cycle and ended our day getting to sample a taste of pumpkin pie and pumpkin muffin. Check out our pictures below and have your scientist tell you all about this wonderful learning experience. 
 Scientists recorded their observations, predictions, and learning in their pumpkin books.

 Scientists worked together to measure their pumpkins.

Counting pumpkin ribs.

 Even our class pumpkin that weighed 21 pounds floated!

We sorted pumpkins by stem size.

Some pumpkins had no stem, some had short stems and some had long stems.
 No matter what size, shape or stem the pumpkin had, we learned they all float!

 We loved getting messy as pumpkin scientists!

 We estimated how many seeds we pulled out of the pumpkin.

 We counted by 10's and 1's to learn there were 575 seeds in our pumpkin.
Thank you for sharing your scientist with me, I hope they had as much fun learning as I did :D

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