Friday, January 27, 2012

Let's All Do The Moon Walk

What a beautiful day it has been outside. Hopefully we will have a weekend just as nice. In honor of our study of things in the sky I encourage you and your scientist to head outside this weekend and take a moon walk. Talk about what you notice about the moon. Your scientist will have lots to tell you about what the moon is made of (not cheese as we learned from Dr. Doug), what the dark spots are, and maybe even the phase of the moon. After your moon walk have your scientist sketch the moon and how it appeared on the night of your observation. Then bring it to school on Monday for us to share. We will be sharing these all next week. Don't worry if you can't see the moon, you can choose any clear night this weekend or even next week.

Also don't forget that Monday is the 100th day of school. If you have not already brought in your bottle with your 100 items and clues, be sure to work on it this weekend. Enjoy the beautiful weather.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Valentine's Day is right around the corner

Can you believe that Valentine's Day is almost here!  Wow how time flies. For all my fellow Valentine's Day fans I am putting up the class list HERE for you to start working on those cards.  Please remember as you are selecting Valentines that the children are NOT allowed to give candy to fellow classmates (per our district's health and wellness policy).  We can't let children pass out cards if they have candy.  But, no worries....
I have found a couple of candy free suggestions on Pintrest (they have lots of cute and unique candy free options).

Please don't feel like you have to get fancy. I am all about the boxed cards, just leave the candy at home (unless it is for me...cause that is totally fine...for example, any chocolate would be me some Hershey bars....just saying! :D). I am looking forward to all our fun celebrating friendship on this lovely day!

Our Visit From Dr. Doug

I am super excited and hope this works. Check out our pictures from Dr. Doug's on site field trip about the moon.

Well not us, most of us are too old :o), but maybe one of the scientist in our class.

Here we are learning that the sun doesn't really rise and set, that we move!

This is moon rock. The moon has no light of its own. We can see it because it reflects light from the sun.

Here we are working on our birthday moons.

Here Dr. Doug is showing us that the moon doesn't get bigger and smaller, we can only see parts of it at different times of the month.
 We had an AWESOME time learning from Dr. Doug. If you only see one picture on the blog, try clicking it, it may take you to a slide show. Maybe?
Happy hump day! Ours was anything but boring. We had a super fun on site field trip with Dr. Doug from Blue Marble Science. We learned all about the moon and its phases. We even found out what the moon looked like on the day we were born. Too cool. Look for pictures to follow soon. Enjoy your beautiful day. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Good afternoon! We have had a great day. It was nice to be able to get back outside again today. We met our next BEAR Essentials Goal and will be celebrating with some free time tomorrow! We learned a new math game today about trading using base 10 blocks. They loved it! I think mostly because I had to pull out the overhead projector and they were fascinated. To think I was using it primarily just 5 years ago. Wow, how times have changed. Also I am wanting to add a new game to our word study time to work on our high frequency words. If anyone would be willing to donate a Candy Land Game that would be great. I know Wal-Mart had them for around $5.00 and I would need at least two. That would allow for 8 children to play at a time.  Don't feel like you have to, I know you all have been so AWESOME with our silent auction basket this year and I don't want to be asking to much. So perhaps someone might donate one and I could get the other. Again thanks for all you do each and every day!!! 

Monday, January 23, 2012

Well what a yucky Monday! Look for your new weekly news sheet in today's folder. We are starting unit 5 in math. This unit will look at place value, greater than less than, number stories, fast facts and more. We are also finishing up looking at digraphs ch, th, wh, and sh. We had a great time at safe and sound town last week. Look for a few pictures coming soon. 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Welcome to our class blog

Welcome to our class blog! I am super excited about this new technology adventure. My hope is that this will be an easier way to share photos and videos with you than on the class website. Please be patient with me as I learn the ins and outs of blogging. So excited!!!