Monday, May 21, 2012

End of the Year Wrap Up

Here is this weeks connection...

Wow, time has really flown by these last couple of weeks and here we are at the end. I will not be sending home the reading log folders and books anymore. If you still have books from our classroom library at home please send them in as soon as possible. 

Week at a glance
On Wednesday, the first grade will have a first grade picnic on the bus loop.  We will be picking up Little Caesar's pizza and also providing popsicles and bottled water.  If your child does not eat pizza please plan to send a bag lunch or let me know if I need to make arrangements with the cafeteria for a bag lunch (as soon as possible please).  

Reading Celebration day is this Thursday, so please be sure to wear tennis shoes as we will be both inside and outside doing lots of fun activities. 

Friday is a half day with dismissal at 10:40, but please wear your shoes for PE and walking club. Monday is a holiday and Tuesday and Wednesday are also early dismissal. Please continue to send your child's book bag to school each day as we will be sending things home everyday. 

I will be putting summer reading information and other activities in the learning corner section of the blog later in the week. I will email when it is up and ready. Also, I leave the blog entries up until August, so if you want to print any pictures from the blog you have until then.